Adding flavour one drop at a time

1 min

Once the coffee grinding is complete, a process of extraction is used to capture and concentrate the taste of roast and ground coffee. By precisely controlling the pressure and temperature, our experts pass water through the ground that gradually produce concentrated liquor with a rich flavour profile. We also capture the alluring aroma of the coffee at this point and then re-introduce it after the drying process.​

​Our experienced extractors ensure that our coffee retains the most delicious flavours. They work with our customised technology, making every drop count.

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nescafé coffee extractors
Nguyen Minh Nhat
Learn about the processes Nhat follows to extract great coffee flavours
Nguyen Minh Nhat explains his work as an extractor

Capturing flavour

Nguyen Minh Nhat helps keep our coffee consistently delicious. As an extractor, he works at the NESCAFÉ® Tri An roastery in Đồng Nai, Vietnam. “We carefully extract compounds such as fats, acids, sugars and fibres,” he explains. “These give coffee its distinct flavour.” To collect and concentrate such delicate flavours, he slowly adds hot water to ground coffee, ensuring a flavourful extract. It’s a simple process, but Nhat’s experience is crucial. “Each drop requires a lot of concentration,” he says.​
coffee extractors & flavour

Finding balance

Nhat underwent extensive training, learning how to use our customised technologies, and acquiring the skills to operate the line. “We seize the extremely captivating aroma during the extraction process and after the drying process,” he explains. “And then we pour that scent back in.” His job requires deep understanding and precise judgement. “We need to know exactly how to get the freshest, longer-lasting coffee flavours,” he says. “And then we have the perfect cup of coffee every time.”​​
Finding balance

“As an Extraction Operator, I feel happy and proud to just add hot water into coffee and that we can create the best coffee flavor and bring it to everyone”,
how is soluble coffee made

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